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Overnight Oats Recipe: Easy High Fiber Breakfast

Photo of homemade overnight oats using the recipe

Due to my TikTok informing me that colon cancer rates are on the rise for young adults, I have decided to start eating a high-fiber diet. Since making the switch, one of my go-to breakfasts has been overnight oats! I love that they are super easy to make, I can prep them ahead of time, and there are so many options! Truly, if you think you don’t like overnight oats, you just haven’t found the right recipe yet. There are so many ways to customize flavors and textures – the possibilities are endless!

That being said, I wanted to share my basic overnight oats recipe. This can be altered or customized in so many ways, but I think it is really important to start with a good base.


  • 1/2 cup old fashioned oats
  • 1/2 cup milk of your choice (I like oat milk for even more added fiber!)
  • 1/4 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 tsp – 2 tbsp chia seeds (optional)
  • Vanilla extract to taste

Optional add-ins:

  • Chocolate chips
  • Cocoa powder
  • Nut butter
  • Honey or maple syrup for extra sweetness
  • Fresh fruit on top

I like to prep my oats for three days at a time. I’ve found that if I try to do too many at once, it ends up being too dense and mushy by the time I get around to eating the last of the batch.

I recommend adding a bit more milk or liquid if you go for some of the drier add-ins like cocoa powder. The chia seeds are also a very dangerous game to play if you come in too hot. If you are not used to eating a lot of fiber consistently, I would start with 1 tsp per serving. Then, each week or batch that you make, slowly increase the amount that you add. You’ll also want to add more liquid as you increase as well!

Personally, my favorite way to have my oats is by utilizing the base, and then the morning adding some chocolate chips and fresh-cut fruit on top. I’ve found that adding in the chocolate chips when you’re prepping them gives them a less than desirable texture.

Let me know if you try this recipe and your favorite ways to personalize your breakfast!


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