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Starting a Blog: Here’s Why You Need To Do It

Woman sitting at desk, it can be inferred that she is writing for a blog on her laptop

I have toyed with the idea of starting a blog for quite some time but have just never done it. Now that I have got the ball rolling, I am kicking myself for waiting for so long.

At the end of the day, my ultimate goal (as I’m sure it is for a lot of people) is to be able to monetize this site in some way. Whether that is just a little extra cash or a consistent source of income.

When you are first starting with a blog there aren’t really a lot of ways to monetize from the get-go. Most affiliate marketing programs or similar programs like for you to have at least 10 posts to make sure your site is established well enough to make a profit. And even if you do enroll in something like Google Adsense, that will probably take some time as well.

I Didn’t Know What I Was Missing

Even without making money, I did not realize how freeing it would be to actually start writing! I have always loved writing, from classes at my University to working in social media and marketing now. Writing has always taken up a big part of my life. Lately, without realizing it, I had been losing my passion for it. I think that is just what happens when you spend years writing for other people. Catering to what other people want you to write can take a toll.

For years I was in school just writing what I needed to in order to get a good grade. And now, writing for my job – which I love – everything has to be in a certain tone and contain an air of professionalism. While not horrible, it can get a bit boring and difficult to write in a style that is not as natural.

Now I know the real feeling of freedom. It is relaxing at the end of a long day to sit down and just put my thoughts down into words. And I don’t have to sound like anyone but myself!

So, if you are on the fence about starting a blog -this is your sign to do it!
